Use your gifts; join us in serving the Lord on Sundays!
Most members serve in their roles once or twice a month. To learn more or to join a team, speak with the team leader or email McLean:
Acolytes assist the clergy in the liturgy of worship. [Leader: McLean Rabb+]
The Altar Guild sets up and cleans up the altar for the weekly celebration of Holy Communion, as well as prepares for special sacraments like Baptism. [Leaders: Maddie Baines and Jill Church]
Jesus welcomed and enjoyed the presence of children; as His church, we seek to care for children as He did. Our hope is to engage their hearts and minds and nurture them as Jesus’ disciples, just as we are. St. Brendan’s Kids volunteers teach or assist with the children’s lesson during the first half of the service. [Leader: Mary Moore Rabb]
The Flower Guild provides or arranges flowers for Sunday Worship. [Interim Leader]
The Greeters and Ushers serve the crucial role of welcoming people into worship, assisting those who need help getting to their seats, and carrying and presenting the Offering. [Leader: Paul Madison]
The Hospitality team prepares coffee and refreshments for our post-worship coffee hour and coordinates food and drink for any other special fellowship events hosted by the church. [Leader: Elva Thorndike]
Intercessory Prayer is praying for the needs of the church during the week, and individuals during worship. [Leader: Gerry Swieringa+]
Lectors read scripture lessons and lead the Prayers of the People during the worship service. [Leader: Bob Thorndike]
Nursery care for those children aged 0-2 for the first half of the service, so that families may participate fully in worship. [Leader: Mary Moore Rabb]
Singers and Instrumentalists lead music to help the congregation worship in song. [Leader: Sharyn Peterson]
The Sound and Video team sets up and monitors the Sound system and Livestream of Sunday worship. [Leader: Karl Snyder]